Spirit vs Letter
When it comes to interpreting rules or laws, there are two main interpretations for them. In law, there are several different jurisprudences (the science or philosophy of law) other than just spirit or law (for example, feminist jurisprudence), but I feel that these two are the most pervading and easily understood when applying to everyday situations.
So, what's the difference? Letter of the law says that if you're not following exactly what is said in the rule, you're breaking it. For example, you're at a 4-way intersection (North to South, East to West), and the east to west roads are both closed for construction (effectively making it a single street). If the light is red and you run it, is it still illegal? Advocates of the "Letter of the law" approach would most likely say that you did break the law because the law says that you aren't allowed to run red lights, no exceptions.
Spirit of the law, on the other hand, says that if you were to run that red light, it would most likely be alright. Spirit looks at why the law was made more than the exact wording of the law. Why was the law made that we shouldn't run red lights? To reduce traffic collisions and keep people from getting injured. So in the above case of the half-construction intersection, it would be alright (assuming there are no pedestrians) to run the red light because there's almost no chance of getting into an accident.
When looking at rules, I'm sure, at some point in time, you've taken both perspectives before (not simultaneously, I'd think).When looking at the letter of the law, you could be perfectly within it and get away with something due to a loophole in the writing of the law. However, even if you are technically not breaking it, but are still doing the harm it's designed to protect against, a spirit of the law-judge could still find you guilty.
If I had to pick one, I'd say taking a spirit of the law approach is better because you're living up to what it's purpose is, what is right, rather than sneakily doing whatever you want. Just seems more honest and responsible.
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