Gym Ettiquette


So this post isn't going to be entirely along the subject matter of my other posts, but I figure it falls into the area of philosophy. What doesn't really fall into some area of philosophy, at least in part? The topic is, as the name implies, about Gym Etiquette, or Etiquette at the Gym if you prefer.

What spurred such an occasion? Well, I was just at our school gym, and it was utterly packed. Not surprising, considering the top two new years resolutions are to get fit and to lose weight, respectively. So, I'm in there looking for a seated bike machine, and there is a lineup for most every cardio machine in the joint (this particular gym is cardio focused). So, I'm next in line to get a bike and I notice this girl, who has been there from the start, biking incessantly slowly and studying. She's not sweating, and the bike she's on is urging her to go faster because it can barely register any activity. I wait ten minutes, and decide my time is better spent doing a rowing machine until someone finishes. Five minutes later, someone gets off and I get a bike directly behind this girl. Any cardio machine in this place has a thirty-minute time limit. So here I am, behind her, reading my book while pedaling very hard and getting a good sweat on. She's continuing her nonchalant workout/studying, emphasis on the studying, causing me to start fuming behind her as I realize beyond a doubt that she's not only wasting a machine during a really busy time, she's also going over the time limit. So I finish up, get off the machine, and someone who was waiting takes mine. I was ready to walk away,  but this shit has got to stop here.

Such foul etiquette, such disrespect to everyone around her, and such selfishness! Long story short of witty retorts from me and bitchy, selfish retorts from her cause me to walk away shaking my head and face-palming all at the same time. From hearing this story, people will make comments like "people are selfish" and "I hate people at the gym for things like that" but somehow I have more hope for mankind. Sure, some people are selfish, but not everyone. There are selfless people out there who are capable of being selfless while still maintaining a strong boundary of respect, disabling them from being walked all over. I like to think we're social beings for a reason and this self-centeredness is bred a large part from the individualistic society we've been raised in. I wonder if it's any worse in the states.. This also reminds me of the Dunning-Kruger effect, but it doesn't quite directly apply unless you see social etiquette as a skill.

The message behind this is: be considerate, especially if the place is packed. Wipe down your machines after you're done; put back your free weights on their respective trees; don't yell in excess when lifting (it makes you look stupid, not strong); don't overly socialize (your group gets in the way); bathe (you stunk before you even started working out, boii); don't rest on the machines; do not study while use the machines essentially as chairs. That is all.

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